Friday, October 25, 2013

Joy In Giving

It is a great feel to receive a gift from someone. But its true that more satisfaction comes from giving to others, knowing that you helped and made someone happier. There is something very nourishing to our soul when we give and help others.
If you ask people why they give? They reply as, god wants me to. I feel better about myself, others need and I have. I want to share. This shows how good-hearted they are.
I always wish to have the attitude of helping someone without asking. Here is an incident. One man was washing his new car. His neighbor asked him for how much he bought that car. The man replied that it’s a gift from his brother. Then the neighbor said he would love to have a car like that. Hearing this, the man said to his neighbor that he should wish to have a brother who could gift a car. Listening this conversation, the neighbor’s wife said, she wanted to be that brother who gifted the car. What an amazing thinking about giving happily!
One need not be rich to give. Having a kind heart filled with love and care is enough. What can we give? It is not just money or materials, we can gift time, happiness, hug and care, there is a long list that we can offer.
Giving is not about possessions always. A smile, a heartfelt wish, a companionship for a walk, your precious time to listen others talk, a simple message, mail or a call asking how are you? Everything counts in giving. You don’t have to look chances for giving. Let it come from you, from your heart. The one who give away is more fortunate than the one who receive. So friends, from now lets all find our true happiness in joy of giving.

“It’s easier to take than to give. It’s nobler to give than to take. The thrill of taking lasts a day, the thrill of giving lasts for lifetime”
                                                          -Joan Marques

1 comment :

  1. Yes, i think it like you. In today's society it looks like everyone just think about what they have to achieve and what they want to get by others, i think if everyone cared more about others and what people need and feel world would be much easier for everyone and we could think about evolving and solving problems together using everyone's abilities instead of creating problems to others and receiving them from non caring people


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