Friday, April 5, 2013

Honor Your Anger

You don’t believe or realize what anger will do to you. I mean what bothers you on a really deep level? What makes you burn inside? What makes you uncontrollable and fired up, you cant stop talking about it? You may not have realized this before, but knowing is a valuable knowledge. Why? Because your anger reveals your passion.
Some people handle their anger better than others. That’s admirable. Getting angry is acceptable, but acting negatively based on that anger is not. Persons with good thoughts see anger as unfulfilled passion and find their ways to convert it to productive use. Negative side of anger causes danger. But the other beautiful side of anger gives you a sense of power.
Anger provides the courage to do the things which you might have thought it can’t be possible. The destructive anger where it is born out of ignorance and exists for the sake of itself. The constructive anger where it is born out of an injustice or dissatisfaction and a will to make a change towards a positive.
Listen, anger is a great energy. First of all, we should not be in denial mood but gladly accept this feeling. Accept it as master, it is the mantra. Do not fight with this (anger) enemy, you will never win. Understand this enemy, you will always win. Don’t be slave to it by controlling it. Be friendly with anger and see it from distance.
When someone makes you angry, don’t let them win in making you angry, instead just give time for your mind to think, is it a valid reason to express your anger on the person who is trying to make you angry? Express your anger in a calm way so that the person is ashamed of his behavior. This is really a wise act.
One of my friend often tease me by saying “you are not expressive and you don’t know how to express things”. It provoke my anger and irritate me. It was a feeling that burn inside of me. It made me think deeply to work out on it. And that made me to express things through my writing. I found my passion of writing with the help of anger.
The next time something makes you angry, take a moment to explore where that passion really wants to go. It might be worth the journey without side effects.

“Do not teach your children never to be angry, Teach them how to be angry”          -Lyman Abbott

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